Progress JPay

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Do you know JPay? Or have you known it and even used it? Okay, for you who have a friend or family which become an inmate, you can use JPay for facilitating you to stay connected with your inmates  because JPay is a company which provides services which relates to correction.  Sending money, sending email, sending videogram, doing video visitation, buying phone time and parole and probation payments can be done via JPay website easily across 35 states. Even to send money, you do not have to worry because using JPay your transfer will arrive in the next day fast and securely. If you want to see your inmates but because of the inmates’ limitations or the distance which is long  you can buying phone time to call them or doing video visitation which at once you can see their face.

How far is the progress JPay now? From year to year, JPay develops the services continuously to satisfy the customers. Jpay always try to make the inmates and their family or friends to stay connected easily by providing a lot of services that mentioned above. In 2009, JPay provides JP3,  MP3 player, and a music library for inmates. In 2012, JPay made a tablet that is JP4. JP4 can be used for playing games, reading and drafting emails, and listening to music. It also enables inmates to see and attach videogram and photos. The decision to allow the use of JP4 is made by the state corrections departments. For your information, the tablet of JPay now has been distributed in seven Department of Agencies (DOC) which includes Florida, Georgia, Virginia, North Dakota, Louisiana, Washington, and Michigan.

Progress JPay
Now, because of progress JPay, even there is JP5 tablet. This tablet can help your inmates keep engaged, pass the time, and of course stay connected to you. The tablet model can be different for every state. It depends on the facility and other factors. Through JP5, inmates are able to listen to music, play games that they have purchased, write and read emails, see photos and videos, and also access educational materials. The benefits and universal features of JP5 are:

  1. Easy to understand and easy to use
  2. Portable and touchscreen
  3. Including calculator, notepad, FM Radio, stopwatch and other apps
  4. Including accessories such as screen protector, batteries or charger and earbuds
  5. The device which is rugged made for use in corrections

To buy the tablet for your inmates, you can make or log in to JPay account. If you know that the tablet is available in the location where your inmates reside but you do not see the option to buy that, transfer them by Media Account so that your inmates are able to buy it by themselves.  Then, JPay is going to prepare and ship the tablet. The prison or the facility will send it to your inmates. The process will take about 45 business from the date of buying.

JPay will always be present for making easy your connections with your inmates. So, JPay will always progress (progress JPay) to make the customers satisfied.

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