Are you looking for an inmate in Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction? If you are looking for the information about it, then you are able to find the information of the inmate in the website of Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction (DRC). How to access the site and search an inmate on that website? Let’s find the answer to search an inmate in DRC here.
Finding an Inmate in Ohio DRC Website
If you want to find an inmate in Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction, you can do that online by accessing the website of Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction. The website can be accessed at After you enter this address in the address bar of your browser, then you have to hit Enter. Then, you will be taken to the home screen of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction.
In the home page of the site, you have to scroll down and then click on the Offender Search. Then, you will be taken to the Offender Search page. If you want to access the Offender Search page directly without having to access the home page, you can access this here.
On the Offender Search page of Ohio DRC website, you can see that in the left section, there is form with some fields. To find an inmate, you can enter a search value in of the search fields available. The fields available are Last Name, First Name, County of Commitment, Residential County, Zip Code, Status, Next Parole Board Hearing Date, Number, and Sort Results By. If you have filled one, some or all of the fields, then you have to hit the Search button.
Let’s take an example of searching an inmate in this Offender Search of Ohio DRC site. For example, you are looking for an offender whose last name is George. So, you are able to enter “George” in the Last Name field and then hit the Search button. Then, you will be given the results of what you are searching for. In the results, the information that is given is the offender’s photo, full name, number of the offender, DOB, status and offenses. If you want to know more about a certain inmate, you have to click on the number of the inmate and then you will be taken to the page where you can read more details about the inmate.
In the Details page, you are able to read the information of the inmate’s number, DOB, gender, race, admission date, institution, status, zip code and residential county. It is also completed with the inmate’s photo and if you scroll down the page, you can also read the information about the inmate’s offense information such as sentence date, gun yrs, docket number, like counts, definite/ term yrs, degree of felony, jail time credit, committing county, and judge name. Not only that, sentence information and parole hearing information is also available there.
As noted in the website of Ohio DRC, that site shows data on those offenders who are currently incarcerated in an Ohio prison, currently under Department supervision or judicially released. On the offender search, you are able to combine searches to narrow results. However, it is important for you to note that it is better if you have too little search criteria than too much.
Types of Inmate Search in Ohio DRC
In the fields of the inmate search, there are some fields as mentioned earlier. Below, you can read the explanation of each field.
- Name Search
If you enter the name of the inmate in the field, it means that you are searching based on Name Search. This search may be done by last name alone or it can be done by both first and last names. If you search by first and last name, it will narrow your results. If you search an inmate with the last name is Brown and you enter this name on the last name field, the results will show you a list of offenders whose last name is Brown and also those offenders whose last name begins with Brown such as Browner, Browning and more. - County of Commitment Search
If you search by County of Commitment, you will be given a list of those offenders who are sentenced from the chosen county. - Residential County and/or Zip Search
If you search by Residential County or Zip Code, it will only give you the results of offenders whose status is ‘APA Supervision’ or ‘Violators at Large’. ‘APA Supervision’ status include the offenders under APA Supervision and also the offenders who are Violators at Large. ‘Violators at Large’ status include only the offenders who have absconded APA Supervision. - If you search by Next Parole Board Hearing Date, it will give you a list of offenders who are currently scheduled for a Parole Board hearing on the entered Month and Year. You have to enter the date as YYYYMM.
- Offender Number
If you want to search by number, you can do that if you know the offender number. A prefix, A, R, or W need to be used to search by offender number. You have to use W for all female inmates. How about A and R? These prefixes are for male inmates with the vast majority of male inmates using A prefix. It is important for you to know that all offender numbers consist of 6 digits and there is no spaces or hyphens. For example, if the offender number is 654-321, then it becomes 654321. However, female offender numbers are usually 5 digits. If the offender number of a female is 5 digits, you have to add a zero in the front of the number to properly search by offender number. Let’s say that the offender number of a female is 54321. So, it becomes 054321.
Well, that’s the information about how to search an inmate in Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction (DRC). If now you have a friend or a family member who is incarcerated, you can search him or her in the website of Ohio DRC.