Lee County Jail Inmate Search

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If you search Lee County Jail Inmate Search in your browser, you will get a number of results. However, if you are looking for the information about Lee County North Carolina Jail Inmate, you come to the right site because here you will find the information about it.

Finding an Inmate in Lee County NC Jail Inmate Website

If you want to find an inmate in Lee County NC (North Carolina), the first thing that you have to do is to access the website of Lee County North Carolina at leecountync.gov. After you access the website, then you have to put your cursor on the Online Services menu and then click on the Lee County Jail Inmate Search. After you click on it, then you will be taken to the Inmate Search page. If you do not want to access the home page of Lee County NC, but you want to access the Inmate Search page of Lee County NC directly, you can use this address http://dcn.leecountync.gov/dcn/.

Lee County Jail Inmate Search

On the Inmate Search page, you can choose the option whether Current or Released inmates by clicking one of the options at the top right of the page. On that page, you see that in the center there is a By Name field where you can search an inmate by name. If you scroll down, there are also some other options including searching inmates By Charge Description and Over The Last Number of Days.

Let’s try to find an inmate by name here. So, on that Inmate Search of Lee County Jail NC page, you have to enter the name of the inmate in the By Name field. Let’s say that the name of the inmate is John. So, you are able to enter John in the By name field and then hit the Search button.

After that, you will be given some results of inmates whose names contain John. So, when you are searching for John, the results will also be Johnson and some more.

From the results, you have to choose which inmate that you are looking for. As you can see that from the results, the information which appears about the inmate is only their age, race, sex and admit date. If you want to get more information, you have to click on the full name of the inmate. So, click on the name of the inmate that you are looking for and then you will be taken to the details page.

In the detail information of the inmate, you will see their name ID, local ID, date of birth, age, race, sex, eye color, hair color, weight, height, admit date, admit time, address, housing location, confining agency and photo. Under this information, there is another table where you can read the information about their charge, offense date, court type, court date, bond, bond type, charging agency and arresting agency.

About Visitation in Lee County NC Jail Inmate Section

Do you want to visit your inmate in Lee County NC Jail? If so, there are some rules that you have to obey and also you need to know when you can visit them. According to Lee County North Carolina website, when you visit an inmate, you are not allowed to bring cell phones, cameras, or other electronic devices in the Lee County Jail facility. If you violate the rules, you will be banned from visiting the facility for at minimum of least 6 months.

How about the schedule to visit an inmate in Lee County Jail Facility? Here is the schedule according to Lee County North Carolina website.


Female Block: 1:00pm to 1:20pm
Male Dorm: 1:30pm to 1:50pm
A Block: 2:00pm to 2:50pm
B Block: 3:00pm to 4:00pm


Segregation: 1:00 pm to 1:20pm
Female Dorm: 1:30pm to 1:50pm
C Block: 2:00pm to 2:50pm
D Block: 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Do you want to visit an inmate outside of the hours above? If you need special hours outside of the hours above, you can get a special request by contacting the jail at 919-718-4567.

It is important for you to note that all social visits will be limited to 20 minutes. Social visits will be held in the main visiting area adjacent to the Control Room. The social visits will be non-contact visits. Before visiting, you will be required to check in with the jail master control supervisor for 5 minutes. When visitation times start and you do not check in, you will be asked to leave.

Sending Mail to an Inmate Housed at Lee County Jail

If you want to send a mail to an inmate housed at Lee County Jail, you have to send it to this address:
PO Box 2788
Sanford, NC 27330

Your mail will be withheld if it has the things as explained below.

  • There are threats of physical harm against any person.
  • There are threats of blackmail or extortion.
  • There is Contraband or plans to send contraband to the facility.
  • There are instructions for making drugs, weapons or alcohol.
  • There are plans to help in the escape of an inmate.
  • There are plans for the commission of a crime or evidence of a crime.
  • There is material that may threaten the security and safety of the jail.
  • There are letters or cards which contain indecent material.
  • There are plastic, tape, polaroid pictures, glass, cloth, wood, ribbons, metal, staples, magnets, paper clips, pens, glitter, pencils, labels and stickers.
  • There are materials or pictures which support violence, sexual behavior, religious, racial, or national hatred.
  • There is material related to gang such as pictures, signs, symbols and many more.
  • There are music lyrics, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, photocopies, hardcover books, or magazines.
  • There are pictures bigger than 5″ x7″.
  • There are food or cosmetic items.
  • There are postage stamps, stationery, envelopes with any type of tape, blank envelopes, envelopes with gang or suggestive artwork.
  • There are traveler’s checks, payroll checks, cash, personal or second party checks.
  • There are lottery tickets or prepaid telephone cards.
  • There are plastic, musical, plastic covered, blank greeting or post cards bigger than 6″ x 9″.

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