Inmate locator is a database of inmate’s information presently. Inmate locator is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections. The existence of inmate locator is very important for people to search the information about their beloved inmate. For example, you have someone in a jail in El Paso but you don’t know where he is now and you want to ensure that he is really in jail. You can try to search inmate locator El Paso TX.
After you make sure about the information of your inmates, perhaps you want to meet or send money to the inmates to fund them during in a jail. To do such services, you can use the services of JPay. The company which was founded in 2002 by Ryan Shapiro has some services which can be used in 30 states. The company is based in the United States and the headquarters is in Miramar, Florida. To have those services, JPay has cooperated with state, county and federal correctional facilities throughout the country.
JPay provides the family or friends of inmates to send money. The money can be used by the inmates to fund them during in the jail. If the family or friends miss the inmates and want to meet them but the situation is impossible, you can send them email, videogram, or even do video visitation through your webcam in your laptop. There is also another option to communicate with your inmate that is you can buy phone time.
Jpay has developed the services from year to year. In 2009, JPay launched MP3 and JP3. In 2012, JPay launched JP4. JP4 is a tablet that can be used to draft and read emails, listen to music and play games. And now, JPay has JP5. JP5 enables the inmates to listen to music, write and read emails, play games, see videos and photos, access educational materials and so on. JP5 tablet cooperates with JPay kiosk which is installed in common space.
For example, you find someone that you know in Las Vegas womeninmate locator El Paso TX, and then you want to send money or do anything else to your inmates, you can use the help of JPay. Just access the website of JPay at Then, in the Sign Up section, you have to register first. Select the state and the ID of your inmate, then click the Next button. After this, you have to enter your email and your password. So, now you have an account in JPay. After you have an account in JPay, you can use the services of JPay.
If you have searched your inmate in inmate locator El Paso TX and then you want to communicate with your inmate, don’t forget to use JPay. Open the website of JPay in your browser, register and choose your services that you need. JPay is a correctional-related company that is secure, fast and trusted. Do you want to know more about JPay? You can browse the website. All the information is available there.